How To Money Interview: Finances and the cost of *not* doing a will (hint: 3-7% of your estate)

How to Money podcast interview with Chanel Reynolds, founder of GYST.

Episode: ‘Preparing for the Unthinkable with Chanel Reynolds’

Young and growing families, especially those with children, really need to get their *stuff* together. … More How To Money Interview: Finances and the cost of *not* doing a will (hint: 3-7% of your estate)

New York Times Article: A Shocking Death, a Financial Lesson and Help for Others. Do we still suck at dying in this country ten years later? Yup.

Looking back at the article that skyrocketed the Get Your Sh*t Together website into, well, everywhere, do I see improvements a decade later? Sure. However, despite the hard of many long before me, gobs of start-ups entering the ‘death space’ and living in a post-pandemic world…we still have a long, long way to go. … More New York Times Article: A Shocking Death, a Financial Lesson and Help for Others. Do we still suck at dying in this country ten years later? Yup.

New Podcast: Chanel Reynolds goes deep on “What Nobody Tells Us”

Get your notebooks ready and check out Chanel’s conversation on the “What Nobody Tells Us” podcast. This episode is your ultimate guide to getting your affairs in order (and what happens if you don’t!) before the unthinkable or eventual happens.

From wills and advance directives and insurance, to finances, family, parenting and relationships – this is the critical *stuff* everyone needs to know. … More New Podcast: Chanel Reynolds goes deep on “What Nobody Tells Us”

WILLS 101: The GYST Guide to Estate Planning

When it comes to what the legal professionals call estate planning it easily overlooked or quite intentionally avoided, which certainly explains why over half of US adults don’t have wills or some basic ‘what-if’ plans in place. However, it’s really not optional anymore. The cost of *not* doing it far outweighs the reward of not getting started today. Here’s how. … More WILLS 101: The GYST Guide to Estate Planning